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Solfascents Collection

Balancing Sets
Natural Aromatherapy from Solfeggio music scale frequencies

Personalized Essentials
Personalized Essentials are crafted to match your energy field, delivering inspiring fragrances that uplift, refresh, and harmonize with your spirit.
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Custom Essentials Aromatherapy
Choose up to three essential oils which will be hand-crafted into a blend just for you, designed to match your preferences and delivering inspiring fragrances that uplift, refresh, and harmonize with your spirit.
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"Using essential oils with vibrational sound healing to resonate with our chakra energy centers is brilliant! I purchased the full chakra blend set and have enjoyed the way the scents resonate with my being.Thank you!!"
"The Personalized Essentials scent which I use upon arising each day gives me an energetic boost, which sets my day off in a positive and powerful trajectory."
"These chakra oils really stand out from any other I've ever used. Each one has a very pleasant scent, I keep the solar plexus (MI/Yellow) one on my kitchen counter at home and the throat (SOL/Blue) one on my desk at work. I always notice a difference after I use them."

Solfeggio MI
This is the scent for 528 Hz, which is the frequency of breakthrough and is the sound frequency of miracles and DNA repair. Also that it balances the Third Eye chakra.
Solfeggio Re
This is the scent of 417 Hz, which is the frequency for releasing blockages to creativity and that it balances the Third Eye Chakra.
Solfeggio Tsi
This is the scent of 963 Hz, which is the frequency of Conscious Awareness and Enlightenment. TSI blend balances BOTH the Heart Chakra and the Root Chakra.

Founded in late 2021, Solfa Scents was inspired by the discovery of the connection between essential oil aromas and sound vibrations using solfeggio tuning forks. Based in Richland, Washington, we create aromatherapy blends that resonate with specific frequencies in the Solfeggio scale, driven by a passion to share the power of sound and scent.
At Solfa Scents, our mission is to share the transformative power of sound vibrations and essential oil aromas. Through our unique blends, we aim to inspire wellness, positivity, and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things, harnessing natural vibrational energies to uplift and heal.
At Solfa Scents, we adopt a science-meets-nature approach in developing our products. We utilize our deep understanding of the Solfeggio musical scale and the corresponding hertz frequencies to create essential oil blends that resonate with the body's own energy centers. To ensure the purity and therapeutic value of our products, we use only 100% pure, organic, and therapeutic grade essential oils. Our approach is innovative, grounded in science, and inspired by nature.
Scents are fine-mist aromatherapy spray blends that match the specific vibrational hertz frequencies of the solfeggio music scale.
What are Solfa Scents?
Scents are fine-mist aromatherapy spray blends that match the specific vibrational hertz frequencies of the solfeggio music scale.
We discovered that certain essential oils share frequency with sound. Each blend of Solfa Scents was carefully created to ensure resonance with the solfeggio, which are the natural frequencies of the body's energy centers, or chakras.
How do I use Solfa Scents?
Solfa Scents fine mist blends are intended for aromatherapy use. They are best used by spritzing in the air, usually above the head or anywhere in the room. Use them anywhere you can breathe in the aromas to lift your energetic vibration.
Solfa Scents can also be used as a complementary addition to any Reiki, Yoga or Solfeggio tuning fork technique. Simply spritz the air before, during or after a session!
How do I choose which Solfa Scents Spray is right for me?
Any of the Solfa Scents can be beneficial, even if your chakras are in good shape. However, there are ways to know which particular scent may be of more benefit depending on your situation. See my blog post on this topic for more information.